Do we think what we are doing to others? Do we care what we do to people? Let me answer that for you. No, we don't care about the people that are closest to us. We are selfish things. We only care for our self's, not for the people around us. They do smaal things for us that we think doesn't mean a thing, but actually, it makes a huge difference. Go to your t.v. an switch it on. Look at the news and tell me what you see? Is there love, peace, sharing and caring? No, only hate, killing and murder. Do we want to change that? No because we just go on with it and asume that it has to happen. How does theese two things combine? Well, if you keep on looking down onto people, they are going to feel bad and depressed, so they are going to take it out on people weaker then them. Then those people that heve been hurt, go out and do the same thing. Little kids, who's parents where kiled, grow up in pain, then when they are older, they go out, become workers who people look down on, they get sad and do the same thing as the people that kille his mother and father. So look at yourself in the mirror and try and make a change. Listen to different music, do more nice things to people, love the world and it will love u. So go and think about it. Tell that person that u think has nothing to do with u, tell him that he is special. Make the world a better place!!!